

Litegear GmbH
represented by its CEO Jürgen Hutmacher
An Fuerthenrode 45
52511 Geilenkirchen

Tel.: +49 (0) 2451 / 48453 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2451 / 48453 - 13
eMail: verkauf[at]

USt-IdNo. in accordance with
§ 27 Value Added Tax Act: DE813908948

Manager: Juergen Hutmacher
Company seat: 52511 Geilenkirchen
Legal form: GmbH
Trade register: Aachen HRB 12279
EAR-WEEE-Reg.-No.: DE 61698887

Responsibly for the purposes of § 55 RStV: Juergen Hutmacher, address as above

Legal information for this website:

The website and everybody on it or in underfiles appearing text contributions, graphics, picture elements, logos and sounds are protected by copyright. Downloading and the other use of material is only allowed, as far as the copyright act permits this expressly; the use is allowed excusively for private purposes. Users may not multiplicate the copyright material, publish, copy, transfer, propagate or use commercially, namely neither on conventional way nor in electronic form.

Picture credits:
Product images © of its legal manufacturer or Litegear GmbH.

Video credits:
Product videos ©, Multiform youtube videos © Litegear GmbH

For the competitors it is strictly prohibited to use photos, product descriptions, instructions as well as picture and sound material edited by Litegear® for your purposes, also not if these are active for the same manufacturer/distribution. An exception of this regulation needs the expressly written consent of the Litegear GmbH.

The contents of our web page are provided with the biggest care. No guarantee can be still taken over for actuality and completeness.

The publisher assumes no liability for the fact that the website can be reached, or for the fact that participant's contributions are transmitted within the scope of the offered information exchange on time and completely. Also a liability for the technical usability is excluded from participant's contributions.

The use of the website is defended by the right of the federal Republic of Germany. The regulations of the eCommerce guideline of the European Union or this moving German right about the duties of information and about the conclusion of the contract are not valid, as far as there are modifiable.

With direct or indirect references to foreign Internet sides - links! which are beyond the area of responsibility of the supplier, a liability becomes effective exclusively in the case in which the supplier of the contents has knowledge and would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent the use of illegal contents. Herewith, the supplier expressly explains that at the time of the link settlement no illegal contents on the linked sides were recognizable. On the current and future creation, the contents or the authorship of the linked sites the supplier has no influence.

Online Dispute Resolution following Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO:
The European Commision offers a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) which can be found here.

Litegear®, Paraflecta®, Cobra Cae® & Alpha Sono® are registered Trademarks. All other trade names, trade marks and registered trade marks are a property of its legal owners and serve here only the description not for the advertising.
